Maybe it's enough to just be where we are.

Art by BreezyBlue


Art by TurkFish

name: Michi.
age: 8 yrs.
gender: Cis female, She/Her.
sexuality: Bisexual.
soul class: Unknown.



Art by AkisiTheFox

Positive Traits

Hardworking | Forgiving | Empathetic

Michi has always worked very hard to try and achieve her goals, as she is a very goal oriented cat. She got this trait from her parents whilst they were teaching her how to hunt, fight, etc. They always told her to try her best, no matter what.

Michi doesn’t like to hold grudges against cats, especially ones that are close to her. She believes that not forgiving cats for their actions is stupid as she thinks cats are always changing. This trait came about due to all the cats in her life that have wronged her in a way. She has had to forgive many cats in her life, and it has helped her cope with their actions.

Michi has been through a lot. This means that she can empathize with a lot of cats going through loss. She thinks back to what she would've wanted to hear when she was going through everything in her life. She thinks of all the cats she may comfort as her kits, almost fantasizing about what her daughter could have become.

If Michi promises or tells someone she is going to do something, she'll do it. She feels it is rather rude to not do so. When she was younger, this was the expectation, and she has upheld it her whole life.

Neutral Traits

Quiet | Wary | Maternal

Michi used to be a lot more loud when she was a child, but when she got older her enthusiasm died down. Certain events in her past have led to her not being very talkative.

Michi is not very trusting of cats she meets. A lot of cats have betrayed her trust, and although she has forgiven them (at least in her head), she is still hesitant to trust someone she just met.

Michi once had a kit of her own. She died, leaving Michi with no one to be a mother to. With younger cats, she does her best to cheer them up and/or entertain them.

Negative Traits

Easily Discouraged | Paranoid | Delicate

Easily Discouraged
If someone has a opinion that Michi shouldn't do something, she will likely not do it. She values others opinions above her own, as in the past, cats have shut her thoughts or ideas down.

Michi gets very paranoid over little things she notices, and thinks back to them incessantly. Other cats betraying her trust has made her see every ear twitch or tail flick as warning signs of something bad happening.

Michi takes a very long time to decide on things. She feels the need to think through everything she does before doing it. Mistakes she made in the past without thinking things through has made her overthink things to the point of indecisiveness.

Michi regrets a lot of things in her life, and she carries the guilt of her regrets every day. Things like leaving her half-sister behind, dismissing her mates sickness, and more haunt her.

Likes, Dislikes, Fears, Beliefs

When Mako was alive and Michi lived with him, there was a small patch of tulips in front of their little den.
Michi used to sit by the river when she lived around there. It gave her a sense of calm, even if only for a few minutes.

Her family didn't teach her much about the gods, and she doesn't care much for them. Naih was a big fan of the legendaries, and her ideology has spread to Michi. Michi believes Helena and Ordeel are not good cats for what they did to everyone. She believes that the legendaries have the abilities to solve a lot of the worlds problems, and leaving it to them is a good idea.

Most of her time in the mountains was spent mourning Naih. Michi doesn't like the closed in feeling of them either.
Her family tried to teach her to swim at a young age, but she was never an good at it.

Michi hates being alone, and can come off as clingy to other cats due to her fear. Although she is introverted in nature, having someone around is a big comfort to her.
Michi is terrified of thunder and lightning. The sounds of thunder and lightning from The Reckoning (which her step-mom also died in) haunt her when she hears or sees it.


Art by SkyWolf

Physical Description

Michi is a fairly small cat with a stocky build. She has a very long tail and ears that flop over. She has short, soft, and messy fur that is mainly grey and white, with black bands striping her tail. She has a round face with ears that are flopped over. She has yellow eyes which give off a slightly golden colour.

breed: Scottish fold.
height: 8 in.
weight: 10 lbs.


stats + soul

Art by RiptideApril




soul class: Unknown.
soul colour: Unknown.
soul powers: Unknown.


Art by honey-miik

Summarized History

Before birth:
~Her mother cheats on her mate with a male cat in a couple they traveled with, becoming pregnant with michi and her siblings
Kithood (0-1 year old):
~She is born in the wastelands in a litter of four, two of her siblings die
~Two other kits are born to the other couple living with them
Adolescence (1-2 years old):
~She leans basic survival skills with the other young cats
~They are attacked by a group of cats, the male her mom cheated with dies, her mom reveals who their father is
~Her adoptive father attacks her mother then runs away
Adulthood Before The Reckoning (2-3 years old):
~Her brother leaves to form a new life away from the group
~Michi eventually musters up the courage to venture out and do the same
~She meets a molly, after a while they become mates
~The molly ends up breaking up with her due to Michis paranoid nature, she wanted someone more willing to adventure
~Michi runs back to her mother, her half sisters, and their mother, they are understanding
Adulthood After The Reckoning (3-8 years old):
~The world almost ends, her half sisters mother was out hunting while it happened and never came backs
~Michis adoptive father comes back and kills her mother, one of her half sisters tries to fight him but gets killed
~Michi and her remaining half sister live with him, he orders the two to hunt and do things for him, hurting them if they do not comply
~Michi runs away, leaving her half-sister behind with her adoptive father
~She seeks refuge with a tom who soon becomes her mate
~She has a kit with him, but the kit dies after it is born
~Her mate catches the plague
~A molly finds her and Michi travels with her
~This molly wants to go to Paradise Valley, and so Michi agrees to go with her
~The molly catches the plague on the way there
~Michi decides to go to Paradise Valley in remembrance of this molly
Adulthood After The Rejection (Current):
~Michi is rejected, she heads towards the Forest Colony

Detailed History
